We went inside and found a spot at the counter. Opened in 1958, the menu hasn't changed much, although the hours have expanded considerably. The crowd was mixed, business people, folks from the neighborhood, politicos and a few tourists.
We ordered burgers and fries (and a chili dog for me). Like we've seen at a couple of spots in the past few years, the fries and drinks arrived first. Check out the stack of chili dogs on the waitress' left arm! Really tasty burger and a really good chili dog. In retrospect, I should have ordered the Chili Smoke...
Side Note: Sitting at the counter, we could see a 8 x 10 computer printed sign down behind the counter with five words on it, "The Obama Family" and "Bill Cosby". Couldn't figure that one out. As we checked out, you could read the entire sign:
Nobody eats free here,
except for
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